My 73 Favorite Scenes in Different Movies

8 min readSep 15, 2019


  1. I was your only friend

There’s nothing more enjoyable than a good, old Aaron Sorkin scripted scene. Andrew (though one of my least fav actors) is killing it in here 😼

2. It’s my vagina

OMFG. This scene doesn’t look nearly as cool outta context as it is in context. They say it’s some modified version of “I’m Spartacus” but to me it was really the O-Captain-My-Captain moment from Dead Poets Society. It was motherfuckin’ awesome. The female solidarity was over-the-top phenomenal. It was both hilarious and gutsy. The moment where Jackson stands up and says the words is elevating 😌

3. O captain my captain

And here’s the original ❤

4. Have you ever been in love?

Season 3 of ST is considered its weakest. But I somehow managed to like it the most. Steve is my mommy. I legit fell in love with him. His and Robin’s bathroom scene is classic. It made me tear up & believe in FRIENDSHIP once again. There’s too much soul in this. I was upset Robin turned out gay as I shipped them like crazy but still, it was subtle and fantastic 😍

5. And now they’re his

Jesus! The sweetness of Bryce in here is overwhelming. I loved the first season. Hated the second (even though this scene is from the second one). Didn’t even bother watching the third. However this scene was brilliant. I fell for both of them in here. The “aaaand now they’re his” part shows the early inclinations of Bryce towards “it’s all mine” attitude and that’s exactly why the scene is quintessential backstory to Bryce and Justin 🥰

6. Pappa don’t go

Take the happiest day of my life. If anyone shows me this clip I’m gonna break down like a total crybaby. I love it. I used to think if I ever have to cry on command I’ll just have this clip play in the background. It hits me. Hard. “Papaaaaaa don’t go 😢 I’ll say anything.”

I mean c’mon 😩😩

7. I got a present for you Cassie

Ok. So obviously I have some daddy issues. When Cage says “I got a present for you Cassie” I sob like a mess😰. Every. Fuckin’. Time. This movie is one of my most favorite guilty pleasures 🤫

8. Mustang

This scene is amazingly rewatchable. I think it could’ve been directed by Jean Marc Vallee. It’s not. But still. Mustang is a Turkish movie that has been heavily boycotted in Turkey. Wish there were such quality movies in Armenia.

9. Okay baby let’s go dAncing

This is eyegasmic. Ah. Have no words. I just keep rewatching it from time to time. Bradley’s hips are yum 😋

10. You know sometimes in life all you have are fucked up poisonous choices

This is known as the Bathroom Scene. It made me like JenLaw. I used to hate her like..legit. But she showed some top-notch acting talent in here. The kiss scene was suggested by Amy who’s also great in here. It made little sense to the crew at the time but the final result is weirdly organic. I keep rewatching their dialogue 🤗

11. Chaos is a ladder

Somehow lots of hardcore GOT fans missed out the geniusness this scene is. It might be the only episode I rated 10 and the only scene I kept rewatching. Chaos is a fuckin’ ladder motherfuckers. Baelish is a dream boy😻.

12. Gird your loins!

Devil Wears Prada is one of the most rewatchable movies ever made. Everything about this movie is perfect. And this scene is a marvel made real 😈 Keep rewatching it when I miss New York

13. Sometimes people leave and we don’t know why

Somehow there’s no quality version of this scene but it made me cry like a bitch😭. Emma Stone is phenomenal and Maniac is possibly the only thing I truly enjoyed in 2018. It had no hype, wasn’t much popular but there was content lvl GOD and this scene is pure gold 🤩

14. It’s a very complicated situation cousin Sonya

I don’t like Woody Allen. Neither as a person nor as a creator. I mean, he’s ok as a director and has some good shots but overall I don’t enjoy his films, especially the ones he’s in. But this scene is just OMG. Sarcasm and irony is just boldly there 😦

15. I hate you

I think they should teach this at cinema classes. I keep rewatching it every now and then. Both of them are GODS. Leo can just go fuckin’ kill himself after this. He’s done. It’s amazing. 😵

16. Acknowledge the Apple 2 team

Ok. How Fassy didn’t get the Oscar for this is beyond me. They say Bale should’ve played the role. I’m so glad he didn’t. Fassbender kicks MAJOR ass in here. “Have a mimosa and relax!” 😒

17. Maybe I’m not good enough

The pain and love in here are just pouring out of the screen. Love them. One of the best movies ever made. Emma’s facial expression are smth to come back for 🥺

18. My name is Max

I cried here. Why the hell do I cry during action movies? I mean what’s that about? MAD MAX is in my top for 2010s. And every scene is a pure enjoyment, however when a strong-silent type finally reveals his name is where I become a sobbing mess 😭😭

19. Show me all the blueprints

Leo. Period. I keep rewatching this when I’m bored. Acting lvl Zeus 😎

20. You like destroying strong men

Ok. So Molly’s Game is just one rewatchable piece of work. I love it. It’s over 2h long but you never feel it. And this scene, maybe not the most fun or action-packed, is one of the most revelatory 😼

21. I’m sorry Tommy. It’s okay, it’s okay. I love you

I cry here also and rewatch and cry and rewatch 😿 wtf?

22. What we do in life, echoes in eternity

I get emotional during good pre-fight speeches. Ok. I said it. Happy?

😰 If someone said these words to me I wouldv’e used my body as a human shield to protect him and fight for the whatever cause he’s fighting

23. Spiritus Sancti

Can this scene BE any more epic? 🤷🏻‍♀️

24. Godfather

Mario Puzo is a genius. This one should be taught at film classes as well 😼

25. Zootopia

This was one of the most genius scenes in animated film history. Keep rewatching it 😃 It’s hilarious

26. Even bad men love their mommas

Aaaaah! 😍

27. Opening Scene

I get goosebumps every time. T2 might be in TOP5 best movies ever made according to me. And this scene is ❤

I used to want to fight Terminators in this realm when I was a kid.

28. Church Scene

I get it. It’s not as phenomenal on a small screen as it was on a big screen but trust me, this is one of the very few times I just looked at the cinema screen in absolute awe 🥰

29. Wait for the creme

I’ve probably rewatched this 100+ times 🤷🏻‍♀️

30. Opening Credits

Historically, HBO has the most gorgeous looking opening credits but BLL is QUEEN. I sometimes just open and watch this just for the heck of it. It’s brilliant 😍

31. Griffin & Phoenix

Cried here as well. I’m a major sucker for mature romcoms. 😰

32. Obviously Doctor, You’ve never been a 13-year-old girl

Virgin Suicides is a female film. Boys can never understand it. This scene is my fav.

33. — I’m the money. — Every penny of it.

Rewatched this like 1000+ times. Eva Green is a walking, talking sex goddess 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️😻 and Craig’s playing the part in this scene like a pro

34. Lost in NY

One of my fav scenes during early childhood. 🤗

35. Massacre

I looked like this the entire sequence — 😳😍😳

36. Fidelio

Can I be a part of this plz? 😮

37. When she unleashed the most amazing display of violence and beauty

I want this! Salma’s a badass 😍

38. It’s ok. I’ll stay with who I’ve got

Aaaaaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺

39. You’ve got the minimal amount

Another genius sequence from Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher. 🤗

40. Tears in rain

Didn’t like the movie that much but keep rewatching this scene 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s so good, Jesus!

41. And went to the shower?

One of the very first films I saw on DVD on my computer. Early 2000s. I used to imagine becoming a lawyer after this scene. Elle was slaaay 😼

42. Dance

Wow. The sexual energy in here is breaking some serious glass 😩😍😩

43. You don’t drag me, you force me to do whatever you wanna do

These actresses are so young and yet so talented. It’s pure enjoyment to see this one play out on one take. They kill it.

44. Kid, this ain’t your night

I know this dialogue by heart. Can repeat it on command.

45. You want some coffee? Cobrahead vs BlackMamba

Ok how badass is this scene? They beat the shit out of each other and then drink coffee ^_^

46. Caravan

Jesus! This was so good

47. America’s not the greatest country in the world

I think everybody has seen this scene. Even the ones who didn’t watch the show which is Newsroom btw. It’s perfect.

48. True Detective: Season 2 Ending

This scene is soooo badass. These women!

49. I take it black, like my man

I mean aaaaaaa :D :D :D

This is a widely known scene made into a gif but very few people have seen the film. TBH let’s keep it that way. It’s not a good movie, but this scene is genius.

50. You drove a Hyundai to get here, I drove a BMW. That’s my name.

One of the best monologues ever written

51. As oooone

The teamwork in here is mindblowing :O

52. Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face

AAAA :D This one’s a major fav

53. Don’t you fuckin’ Dutchess me

The only notably good scene in the film. Both actors are smashing it.

54. To me you are perfect

Ok this is the epitome of CLOSURE. Loved it.

55. The Island: Final Scene

The Island is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s silly but extremely entertaining. And I love this ending.

56. Counting

57. Monty Hall problem

I don’t like 21 as a movie overall but these 2 scenes are kickass

58. Blood

This scene has been replicated and duplicated so many times in so many different movies. It’s pure genius. The tension and music in here are overwhelming. I don’t like Kubrick’s version of the Shining but this scene is aaaah

59. Did you forget smth? — Yes! Yeees

As I said. I’m a big sucker for quality romcoms. The scene where Amanda finally cries is perfect.

60. Suits Opening Scene

I have never scene a single episode of Suits but rewatched this scene like a billion times. It’s amazing. The show, however, as they say is pretty mediocre.

61. You’re arrogant

This scene changed my life. Period.

62. Truth

Cate is killing it.

63. You can’t handle the truth

It’s sad Nicholson’s not playin’ anymore

64. Molly’s Game

Aaron Sorkin entertainment epitome

65. My medication doesn’t affect my judgment more than a double espresso


66. Margin Call

Jeremy Iron’s schooling kids in here

67. I’m gonna steal the Declaration of Independence

Another guilty pleasure scene

68. Easy A

One of the bests

69. I’m fine

Can’t say I like this movie that much but there was an undeniable soul in this scene

70. I’m a cool girl

I could’ve written this scene

71. Aaaand the truth shall set you free

72. I’d show you outta order

I think everybody’s seen this scene like a million times. It’s so quotable.

73. There never was an Aaron, counselor




Written by lussvontrier

Seen 2500+ Movies, IG @lussvontrier

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