Nocturnal Animals by Tom Ford
We’re all good people until smth happens to us.
TOM FORD is like one of my most favorite MEN living on this planet, catastrophically smart, exquisitely talented, somewhat arrogant and extremely hot. And Nocturnal Animals is the quintessential Tom Ford film from opening credits to its final sequence. But was it any good?
The film is a weird mash up of Enemy, Lost Highway, Gone Girl and Neon Demon but so much darker.
What’s up with this dark cinema trend anyway? Gloomy, Cold, Apathetically Calm. Are these features enough though? Just before 2008 they might have been. Just a little before Christopher Nolan fetishized the DARK.
Dark is and always has been sexy but when there’s abundance of smth it ceases to remain that. So many movies have fallen into that trap since. Take the whole DC updated universe with Zack Snider. Major fuck up. Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight didn’t succeed ’cause it was dark and dark alone, it did ’cause, despite having the most chaotic madman as a main driving force it was smart, cohesive and fulfilling.
Nocturnal Animals is a very stylish, bizarrely told piece of wood.
Frustration and Cold are the only emotions I can guarantee. And that’s not necessarily bad.
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DVD/ Blu-Ray release is estimated for March 2017.
P.S. In order to be an aphrodisiac darkness should be backed up with coherently flowing ideas ( even if buried deep down ). This concerns people as well. If you’re just dark, you’re boring. Sorry.