Yellowstone S03 by Paramount
Yellowstone is better than GOT, Breaking Bad, and Sopranos to me.
I’m so glad THIS is my first review in 4 months and not Tenet although I planned otherwise. Yellowstone is like Godfather, but better. Characters, dialogue, script and story, music, fights — everything is top-notch. I don’t think there’s another show that I loved during all of its seasons.
If anyone’s wondering, Rip Wheeler is my ideal of a man (I like clean shaved guys tho) 😁 Beth Dutton is someone I wish I was like. John Dutton is a legend. They explored more backstories, more secrets, more drama. And somehow, every time, they pull it off as naturally as it can get. They may come up with a backstory during the end but they manage to present it in a way you believe this was all planned ahead.
- You can take her damn hand, Rip
- Thank you, daddy
Yellowstone manages to excite me, sadden me, anger me, make me happy, confuse me and elevate me. I’d seriously watch this on the big screen if I could.
The businesses they take care of are usually not that important in such films. It’s the subtle human interactions, people dynamics, dialogues, relationships that matter most. But it’s a guilty pleasure of mine to dig up every term I don’t get and try to fully understand what they’re doing. I did that during House of Cards as well. US legal & political world is pretty hard and convoluted even if you live there. But it’s a real pleasure to untangle the web.
I wish this series would go on for ten seasons or at least eight. Paramount is doing a phenomenal job here. Again, there’s no show that ever aired that I loved the way I love Yellowstone. The end.
I was born on a dead-end road, baby